Meaning of EDMUND name , name definition, name in the Bible/Torah/Quran? origin of EDMUND name, Popularity of name, analysis , gender of EDMUND, Acrostic Poem, Name Meaning, Name Characteristics other details;
- 1 EDMUND Name Meaning and History
- 2 Usage of EDMUND Name
- 3 Gender of EDMUND
- 4 Analysis of EDMUND
- 5 EDMUND Statistics
- 6 What is the Numerology of EDMUND?
- 7 Characteristics of EDMUND
- 8 Acrostic Poem About EDMUND
- 9 Is there EDMUND name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?
- 10 Famous People Named EDMUND
- 11 Is EDMUND name fit for baby name ?
- 12 EDMUND Names in Other Languages
EDMUND Name Meaning and History
What Does EDMUND Mean and History? Means “rich protector” from Old English ead “rich, blessed” and mund “protector”. This was the name of two Anglo-Saxon kings of England. It was also borne by two saints, including a 9th-century king of East Anglia who, according to tradition, was shot to death with arrows after refusing to divide his Christian kingdom with an invading pagan Danish leader. This Old English name remained in use after the Norman conquest (even being used by king Henry III for one of his sons), though it became less common after the 15th century.
Famous bearers of the name include the English poet Edmund Spenser (1552-1599), the German-Czech philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) and New Zealand mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008), the first person to climb Mount Everest.
Usage of EDMUND Name
English, German, Polish
Gender of EDMUND
Analysis of EDMUND
Users of this name Science enthusiast , Energetic, against life is always positive , Insightful , Witty , Perfectionist
EDMUND Statistics
- Pronounced : ED-mənd (English), ED-muwnt (German, Polish)
- Color of EDMUND name: Blue
- Number of letters of EDMUND: 6
- Other script : Unknown
- Variants :
Letter Analysis:
Specific analysis for each letter;
E : Calm, Quiet
D : Introvert
M : Introvert
U : Loves to read and Research
N : live life to the fullest
D : Introvert
What is the Numerology of EDMUND?
What is the Numerology? Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names. The results provide the hidden meaning of the name. Each letter contained in the name is assigned a number. Every number is associated with specific characteristics.
E : 5
D : 4
M : 13
U : 21
N : 14
D : 4
Total = 61
Characteristics of EDMUND
EDMUND Numerology Analysis; High ability of Persuasion , Depends on Family , Innovative , Gentle , Hardworking
Acrostic Poem About EDMUND
E is for Empathy, you care with how much you give,
D is for Delectable, you’re so amazing.
M is for Memories, I cherish when I’m with you,
U is for Unique, you’re the one and only
N is for Nice, the way you are to me.
D is for Delectable, you’re so amazing.
Is there a more beautiful poem for the name EDMUND? Send us will publish it for you.
Is there EDMUND name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?
Our research results for the name of EDMUND hasn’t been found in the Bible/Torah/Quran
Spelling Alphabet
A spelling alphabet, voice procedure alphabet telephone alphabet etc. is a set of words used to stand for the letters of an alphabet in oral communication. We wrote the NATO (Military) phonetic alphabet, U.S. States, Caountries for you;
NATO | U.S. States | Countries |
Echo – Mike Tango November – |
– Delaware Massachusetts Utah New York Delaware |
England Denmark Mexico Ukraine Norway Denmark |
Famous People Named EDMUND
Hasn’t added the name of any famous person for EDMUND. Would you like to add Celebrities. Send us will publish it for you.
Is EDMUND name fit for baby name ?
According to some researches that is related to meaning of EDMUND, Origin of EDMUND and Gender of EDMUND ,EDMUND is fit name.You can give to your baby with complacency.
EDMUND Names in Other Languages
Eadmund (Anglo-Saxon), Edmond, Edmé (French), Ödön, Ödi (Hungarian), Éamonn, Eamon, Éamon (Irish), Edmondo (Italian), Edmao, Mao (Limburgish), Edmundo (Portuguese), Edmundo (Spanish)